Artwork Name: Proud Love
Tell us about your personal style of artwork and where you get your inspiration from:
I try to use lots of vibrant colours and patterns to kind of replicate my personality. The land is also full of beautiful patterns and colours which inspires my pieces.
Where did the inspiration behind this piece of artwork come from?:
This art is inspired by me being a part of the LGBTIQA+ community and my journey. It’s also inspired by my queer friends and their journeys. This piece is about finding love within ourselves, being proud of who we are and finding our community.
Why did you name your artwork Proud Love?:
Proud Love symbolises the love within the queer, POC community. We should all be proud of each other and ourselves.
What was your favourite part about collaborating with Mali, headspace and the other artists on this project?:
My favourite part was definitely getting to yarn with everyone, getting to hear each other’s stories and seeing how each artist’s ideas were created into art in our individual ways.
How do you wish to create a better future for yourself and others?:
I wish to be able to spread more love within myself and the world.I wish that everyone can find pride in who they are and self love, so together we can share and spread more love.