How does  music make you feel?

It makes me feel free and lighter, as if everything that I can’t say but think is put into one play for me to show others.

What has sound and music brought to your life?

Music has brought comfort as well as passion to my life. It’s also given me some of my closest friendships and relationships that I have and has allowed me to connect with people I never thought I could have.

What inspires your sound?

I think mundane everyday life most inspires my sound, especially my lyricism. I like writing most about the things that are often missed in art.

In terms of the sounds of my music artists such as Billie Marten and Florence and the Machine have most inspired me.

What inspired the tracks behind your soundwave and how does it represent you?

I think my soundwave has a comfortable mix of old and new music which I feel is a reflection of me trying to create a new space for modern music with heavy inspiration from some of the greatest musicians to have lived.

How has music built a sense of community for you?

At the end of the day music is a language in itself with its larger purpose being to create connection and community. Music brings together not only relationships of musician to musicians as collaboration but also relationships from artists to listener.

Listen to Bianca’s Soundwave here

Check out Bianca’s music on Spotify here




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