Meet Lakkari - artist and proud Gamilaroi Ularoi woman. Her artwork explores the movement, essence and stories of Country.

Get to know Lakkari and her hopes for tomorrow:

Tell us how you got to where you are?
I’ve always been passionate and thrived whenever I’m creating! I had the opportunity to go to the National Art School in highschool, at Uni I didn’t study art but always took art classes as electives. I finally decided to quit my full time office job in 2019 and haven’t looked back. I’ve worked with so many amazing people, projects and brands since - I am literally living my dream!

What are your main sources of inspiration behind your designs?
I describe my art as the movement, essence and stories of Country. Everything I create is a reflection of my connection with Country and my Kinship systems. Gunimaa which means Mother Earth in Gamilaroi Ularoi language is my muse. The knowledge that is passed down from my Elders and significant people in my life are the stories that I symbolised in my artworks.

Explain the meaning of the elements in your design?
Wellbeing, Confidence and Growth is what I’m manifesting for 2024 and beyond!
Symbolised is a person with three sticks each side. This represents me and the sticks symbolise the ‘tools’ I am using to regulate my physical, emotional and mental health. Taking care of my wellbeing is my biggest priority.
I am becoming so much more confident in who I am, my appearance, my opinions and beliefs. I’ve used Dhinawan tracks to symbolise confidence. The dhinawan (emu) is my totem passed down through my Mothers side of the family. I always think about how confident and inspiring the women in my family are.
Growth is symbolised with journey lines, I am so excited for what is to come and grateful for my past. Life experiences really do provide you with knowledge and perspective.

What advice would you give for someone wanting to become an artist?
If you’re passionate about your artistry and you have a natural talent, becoming a professional artist is destined for you. Hard work and putting yourself out there is extremely important. Ensure you don’t copy other creators, sure you can be inspired by their works however make sure that you are original in your ideas. Always create what is authentic to you!




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